What Is Vidaptor?

It’s a cloud native lab middleware that integrate all clinical analyzers carrying different nature within the facility to expedite the lab sample life cycle and Increase Patient safety

Why Vidaptor

Maturity Of Results
Maturity Of Results

CVidaptor automate the lab business flow, and this will lead to Increase Patient safety by eliminating the manual entry of the result.

Sample Traceability
Sample Traceability

Everything is under record, this brings traceability and accountability of lab orders and results messages

Interface With Lab Analyzers
Interface With Lab Analyzers

VIDAPTOR can interface with any lab analyzers and support the following Integration protocols:

ASTM 1394

ASTM 1381




Any other analyzer specific protocol integration spec available

Integration With HIS System
Integration With HIS System

Vidaptor Support the integration with any HIS system using international standards, HL7 protocol.

Data Security
Data Security

Vidaptor Support the integration with any HIS system using international standards, HL7 protocol.

Automation Your Laboratory Process With VIDAPTOR:

Integration With HIS:

Centralize The Laboratory Process:

Vidaptor Modules

VIDAPTOR main dashboard provides a real time charts and graphs display to the lab administrator for relevant data about laboratory details.​

VIDAPTOR makes it easy to customer to define their organization structure to organize their facilities, lab departments and related lab instrument for each lab department within one screen.​

Register log for all the messages, users can trace the messages across all facilitates to monitor the orders and results statues​

Roles are configured and users are assigned to these roles based on what LIMS access users need to have and determine what screens a user has access to, and whether the user can add or edit information​

Define a user’s and assign them to the group to grant all the permissions that assigned to that group.

VIDAPTOR provides the crabbily to search by specific sample barcode to monitoring the samples across various locations and surfaces to check the sample statues​

VIDAPTOR offers a module for managing instrumentation and their configuration.

Request a Demo

We understand that seeing is believing

During the demo, our experienced team will customize the presentation to align with your specific requirements and goals.